Re: [cc65] Problems playing Goattracker BIN files

From: Sebastian Gutsfeld <>
Date: 2006-11-03 12:32:58
Sebastian Gutsfeld <> writes:

> Has anybody a link to this GT2 player conversion? I seem already too
> stupid for the DASM to CA65 conversion. I know I probably make too great
> demands but can anybody produce a working CA65 version from this short
> DASM code and tell me how he assembles/links/... it with CA95 to get a
> working PRG?

Thanks to Johan Kotlinski I've found the solution for my problem: I have
to add a "fill = yes" to the RAM MEMORY entry in the linker config and
everything is fine :)

Here's my simple code, maybe it's some help for other newbies:

,----[ sid_player_ca65.s ]
|         .export _main
|         .segment "CODE"
| _main:  lda #$00
|         tax
|         tay
|         jsr song                ; Initialize music 
| mainloop:
|         lda $d012
|         cmp #$80                ; Is rasterline equal to #$80?
|         bne mainloop            ; If not, keep checking
|         inc $d020               ; Inc border color
|         jsr song+3              ; Jump to music play routine
|         dec $d020               ; Dec border color
|         jmp mainloop            ; Keep looping
|         .segment "MUSIC"
| song:   .incbin "example2.bin"

,----[ c64.cfg ]
|     ZP:  start = $0002, size = $001A, type = rw, define = yes;
|     RAM: start = $07FF, size = $0801, file = %O, define = yes, fill = yes;
|     MUSICRAM: start = $1000, size = $7400, define = yes;
| }
|     STARTUP:  load = RAM, type = ro;
|     LOWCODE:  load = RAM, type = ro, optional = yes;
|     INIT:     load = RAM, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes;
|     CODE:     load = RAM, type = ro;
|     RODATA:   load = RAM, type = ro;
|     DATA:     load = RAM, type = rw;
|     BSS:      load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
|     HEAP:     load = RAM, type = bss, optional = yes; # must sit just below stack
|     ZEROPAGE: load = ZP,  type = zp;
|     MUSIC:    load = MUSICRAM, type = ro;
| }
|     CONDES: segment = INIT,
| 	    type = constructor,
| 	    label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
| 	    count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__;
|     CONDES: segment = RODATA,
| 	    type = destructor,
| 	    label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
| 	    count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__;
|     CONDES: segment = RODATA,
| 	    type = interruptor,
| 	    label = __INTERRUPTOR_TABLE__,
| 	    count = __INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__;
| }
|     __STACKSIZE__ = $800;	# 2K stack
| }

I hope I'm not too annoying but can anybody explain why this only works
with RAM filled with zeros?

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