[cc65] need help getting external long from asm

From: Egan Ford <egan1sense.net>
Date: 2011-11-23 01:56:45
I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.

Below is my timer.s code.  It just increments a 32bit unsigned little
endian int while waiting for a key press.

My c code:

extern unsigned long count;
extern unsigned char key;

I can read "key", but I always get 0 for count.  If I change long
count to char count[4], then I can read each byte.

I need to be able to say count = 0 and have all four bytes set to 0,
and when reading count get a number from 0 to 2^32-1.



        .export _timer
        .export _count
        .export _key

KBDCR   =       $D011
KBDDATA =       $D010

_count: .byte   0,0,0,0
_key:   .byte   0

_timer: LDA     KBDCR           ; cycles 4      got key?
        BMI     DONE            ; cycles 2      if neg, got key goto DONE
        CLC                     ; cycles 2      clear carry
        LDA     #1              ; cycles 2      A = 1
        ADC     _count          ; cycles 4      LSB += A
        STA     _count          ; cycles 4
        LDA     #0              ; cycles 2      A = 0
        ROL     A               ; cycles 2      A = carry, carry = 0
        ADC     _count+1        ; cycles 4
        STA     _count+1        ; cycles 4
        LDA     #0              ; cycles 2      A = 0
        ROL     A               ; cycles 2      A = carry, carry = 0
        ADC     _count+2        ; cycles 4
        STA     _count+2        ; cycles 4
        LDA     #0              ; cycles 2      A = 0
        ROL     A               ; cycles 2      A = carry, carry = 0
        ADC     _count+3        ; cycles 4
        STA     _count+3        ; cycles 4
        CLC                     ; cycles 2      clear carry
        BCC     _timer          ; cycles 2 + 1  back to checking for key
                                ; total = 59
DONE:   LDA     KBDDATA         ; get key value
        STA     _key            ; store in _key
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