[cc65] wprot? cc65 change?

From: Johan Kotlinski <kotlinski1gmail.com>
Date: 2006-11-02 20:06:33
Hi there,

I started using cc65 on my new computer (osx) but have some problems
with it that I haven't got on my PC... I start wondering if something
changed, or if there is something wrong with my cc65 compile...

Here is the ld65 cfg file.
    ZP: start = $02, size = $1A, type = rw, define=yes;
    BASIC: start = $07FF, size = $060, define = yes, fill = yes;
    DATARAM: start = $085F, size = $1a1, define = yes, fill = yes;
    RAM: start = $a00, size = $600, define = yes, fill = yes;
    MUSICRAM: start=$1000, size=$7400, define=yes;
    STARTUP: load = BASIC, type = wprot;
    CODE: load = RAM, type = rw;
    MUSIC: load = MUSICRAM, type = rw;
    RODATA: load = DATARAM, type = wprot;
    DATA: load = DATARAM, type = rw;
    BSS: load = DATARAM, type = bss, define = yes;
    ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
    CONDES: segment = RODATA,
            type = constructor,
            label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
            count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__;
    CONDES: segment = RODATA,
            type = destructor,
            label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__,
            count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__;
    __STACKSIZE__ = $800;       # 2K stack

First  problem I get is with "    STARTUP: load = BASIC, type =
wprot;" , where it says "Error: type expected". After changing from
wprot to ro, I get an overflow in BASIC/STARTUP with 52 bytes... and
after growing BASIC memory, it complaints about unresolved externals
"___INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__" and "___INTERRUPTOR_TABLE___" referenced from
callirq.s .

Does this sound like familiar problems for anyone?

Here are excerpts from my Makefile...

        @$(CC) -Oirs -T -g -I $(CC65BASE)/include/ $<
        @$(AS) $(basename $<).s

        @$(AS) -l $(basename $<).s

goto80-cpl:             $(CRT0) main.o code.o $(CLIB)
        @$(LD) -C goto80-cpl.cfg -m goto80-cpl.map -Ln goto80-cpl.lbl
-o $@.prg $^

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