Re: [cc65] DA65 GEOS Disassembly?

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From: Ullrich von Bassewitz (
Date: 2003-10-28 09:36:09


On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 01:05:04AM +1030, Todd Elliott wrote:
> Somehow, the disassembler mistakenly thinks that this is a zero page
> location, while being addressed in an absolute fashion, should be used in
> a zero page addressing mode.

Actually, the disassembler knows about the absolute mode, but it's the
assembler that translates

        lda     $00,x
and     lda     $0000,x

both as zero page. The assembler looks at the actual number, not at the number
of digits that are used to represent it, and since 0 is smaller than $100, it
is translated as zero page.

What would be necessary is that the disassembler adds an address mode override
prefix if the mode is absolute, but there's a matching zero page addressing
mode. I will look for a fix, but since 2.9 doesn't know address mode
overrides, it will not be added to this version.

Thanks for the feedback!



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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