Re: [cc65] Another wish: Unsized Arrays in Structures

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From: Spiro Trikaliotis (
Date: 2003-01-23 17:46:01

Hello again,

Tim Schürmann schrieb:

> Spiro Trikaliotis schrieb:
> > well, the type TestStruct exists, but there isn't memory for it.
> struct {
> ...
> } TestStruct;
> defines both a variable TestStruct. It is not nessesary to allocate memory (only
> for the *data array - see also the original mail from Christian Krüger).

well, it's you who should carefully read Christian Krüger's original mail:
There was a "typedef" in front of the struct, so there is a little difference,
Christian only defines a type but doesn't allocate memory.


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