Re: [cc65] Bank Switching

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From: Ullrich von Bassewitz (
Date: 2002-10-10 12:31:50

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 02:14:12PM -0700, Shawn Jefferson wrote:
> I also was thinking that you could use the original $4000-7FFF for code, as
> long as that code does not try to bank in the other banks, doesn't contain
> screens or display lists, and your other code banks it back in after accessing
> any extended memory.  It would be a little complex, but no real problem I
> don't think.

You can also use cc65 to write code for systems with banked memory. Just a
little manual work is needed.

The rodata, data, and bss segments have to go into a common area, together
with the part of the code that contains the cc65 runtime and C library
functions needed by your program. In addition to that, small wrappers for
banked functions must also go into common memory.

Assume that you have three banks, each with just one function that has to be
called (it is easy to extend this to more complex systems). The actual
functions are named f1_bank1, f2_bank2 and f3_bank3 and reside in bank 1, bank
2 and bank 3 respectively. Now, generate short wrapper functions in assembler
looking similar to this one:

        .export _f1
        .proc   _f1
                sta     tmp1            ; Save A
                lda     bank_register   ; Load current bank
                pha                     ; Save current bank
                lda     #1              ; Target bank number
                sta     bank_register   ; Switch to target bank
                lda     tmp1            ; Restore A
                jsr     _f1_bank1       ; Call function in bank 1
                pla                     ; Get old bank
                sta     bank_register   ; Restore old bank
                rts                     ; Return to caller

Because all the wrapper functions look very similar, one can easily use a
macro to save some typing. Of course, C code in other banks needs to call the
wrapper function f1() instead of the real function f1_bank1().

While the wrappers have to reside in common memory, the actual functions go
into separate banks. Since the runtime and C library together with all data is
located in common memory, calling it from each of the banks is not a problem.

Banking is somewhat expensive in terms of CPU cycles, and (at least when
implemented as shown above) it needs 3 additional bytes on the return stack,
so it is best to group complete subsystems into one bank, preferrably with
just one entry point. Grouping stuff together is easily done by placing the
code into a segment with a common name, and then tell the linker to relocate
this segment to the base address of the banked memory.

An example would be a printing subsystem that is called whenever the user
chooses to print some text. It has just one entry point but many functions
used to implement the necessary functionality, and all of these functions
reside in one bank. There is exactly one wrapper function for the entry point,
so the overhead in terms of additional code needed is not too large.



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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