Re: [cc65] Space efficiency?

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From: Stephan Lesch (
Date: 2002-05-17 21:03:03

Thanks for the answers, everyone. 

> What sort of graphics adventure? A text adventure
> with graphics, 'The Pawn', or an interactive one,
> Zelda/Final Fantasy?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "interactive", but it's
going to be a text-line-on-top-picture-below-verbs-and-

> For either I'd favour C for most of the game logic as
> you'll be doing lots of array lookups and cross lookups,
> mulitple arrays , string handling etc. These are a pain 
You name it.

> I'd also go for using asm routines for displaying graphics, 
> but mainly for the efficiency gained.

yes, the graphics & animation stuff will be in assembly.


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