Re: [cc65] Sprites

From: <>
Date: 2013-03-22 00:22:33
On 2013-03-21, at 19:34, Spiro Trikaliotis wrote:

>> you can setup the high byte of the screen location somewhere (using some 
>> kernal routine perhaps).... then it will work with kernal (ffd2 etc) output 
>> fine. (and also conio, which uses the same pointers)
> Not exactly ZP (other mail): It's $0288.
> Also possible if you want to use the KERNAL:
>  LDA #$CC
>  JSR $FD97
> However, FD97 only has STA $0288: RTS, thus, it is not worth it to use
> this part of a routine, is it?

Definitely not. Also because mid-ROM jumps should generally be avoided, shouldn't they? ;-)

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