Re: Cursory analyses of CBM readdir bug (was: [cc65] Re: readdir bug)

From: Greg King <>
Date: 2013-01-07 14:00:40
From: silverdr; on Thursday, January 03, 2013; at 5:27 PM -0500
> On 2013-01-03, at 21:07, Spiro Trikaliotis wrote:
>> Here, the close is the problem. Closing the command & error channel
>> is a special case in the floppy, which interferes with your open file.
> Which still qualifies as a bug to me; doesn't it to you? :-)
>> . . . .
> I know the solution. Just, it seems to be rather a workaround. I am used
> to freeing resources as soon as I don't need them. ... Funny enough, I
> never encountered that bug before.

This issue fits into that famous quote, "It's a feature, not a bug."
I think that the purpose is to help us avoid making "splat" files.

A "well-written" program checks the result status of all disk operations --  
including file-closings.  Therefore, the status file should be open for as 
long as any data file is open.  So, the tradition has been:  Open the 
command & status file first; and, close it last.  I suspect that you had 
not seen that command-channel behavior before now because you always had 
done that tradition -- before now.

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