[cc65] [PATCH 2/3] Fix documentation for DiskChangeDevice.

From: Spiro Trikaliotis <ml-cc651trikaliotis.net>
Date: 2012-08-17 21:11:40
From: Spiro Trikaliotis <spiro.trikaliotis@gmx.de>

 doc/geos.sgml |    4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/geos.sgml b/doc/geos.sgml
index 204dbf7..9e60d7f 100644
--- a/doc/geos.sgml
+++ b/doc/geos.sgml
@@ -835,8 +835,8 @@ but also removes it from drive RAM (not quite true, but it works like that). Aft
 This function changes the logical number of the current device (in fact drives only) to the given one. It is
 usable for swapping drives. There's no check if the given <tt/newDevice/ already exist, so if you want
-to change the logical number of drive 8 to 9 and you don't have drive number 9 then GEOS will probably
-hang on disk access. Use safe, large numbers. Note that the safe IEC range is 8-31.
+to change the logical number of drive 8 to 9 and you already have a drive with number 9 then GEOS will probably
+hang on disk access. Use safe, large numbers. Note that the safe IEC range is 8-30.
 <sect2>Disk Initialization

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