Re: [cc65] A Little Help for cc65/DOS/Win32 Users...

From: Gábor Lénárt <>
Date: 2010-11-28 15:09:53
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 12:56:24PM -0500, wrote:
> I am developing a program to automate the batch file-writing process for  
> cc65 compile scripts.  It will run under DOS and Win32.  Is this  a good 
> idea?  Would it benefit anybody?  If so, more may be on the  way.

No, use should use make. It has several advantages over having a "batch file":

* no stone-aged DOS things, platform independent, will work on UNIX systems and
  others and so too
* you can avoid recompiling everything; with correct Makefile & dependencies
  in it, only the modified stuffs will be recompiled, and tasks which are
  dependent on it
* It's much easier to maintain than a custom batch file or schell script
  (which is also not the best solution when we're talking about eg a UNIX
* You can even use advanced things, like parallelism during the
  compile/build process to speed things up (however I don't think that it's
  a big advantage here, since cc65 projects can't be so "big" than compiling
  the Linux kernel for example ...)
* make mechanism is designed for this purpose exactly since years, why would
  you write another not so flexible solution then? We can use our time to
  solve real problems not ones which are solved quite well already ...
* it's used virtually in every major open source (and probably non-open
  source as well, of course) projects, it's easier to share/adopt/etc things
  from/to other projects
* it's easier to see what's going on than checking through a batch file

and so on ...
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Received on Sun Nov 28 15:09:59 2010

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