[cc65] array of pointers to functions question

From: Chiron Bramberger <chiron1bramberger.com>
Date: 2010-05-15 09:26:34
 If someone doesn't mind, I'm trying to figure something out. It's
probably me just not being on the ball tonight. :)
 In any case, I've got a program below that's actually 2 program. 
 The first version is at the top of main() and there are a bunch of
lines comments out. Having the program with just this first part works
-> as in it returns the results after being compiled and run on a
Commodore 4032 pet (screen at the end of the email). 
 The second version doesn't work - if you copied and pasted the
program below in whole, it would compile as the second version I'm
talking about, with the first version commented out as is. This
version doesn't work, and gives me the errors I also list at the end
of the program. 
 So maybe this is me not being on the ball with C programming, or me
being not on the ball with cc65 and some particular aspect of it's
design, but...
 ...in short, why does this work:
 void (*vibrato_change)() = vib_chg; 
 void (*lfo_change)() = lfo_chg ;
 void (*command[])() = {vib_chg,lfo_chg }; // gives me an array of
pointers to functions
 and this doesn't:
 void (*vibrato_change)(); 
 void (*lfo_change)(); 
 vibrato_change = vib_chg;
 lfo_change = lfo_chg ;
 void (*command[])() = {vib_chg,lfo_chg };
 //Error: Expression expected
 ----- sample code below -----
 void vib_chg() {
     printf("vib -> do me!n");
 }//end func
 void lfo_chg() {
     printf("lfo - > do me!n");
 }//end func    
   int main(){
         // works! creates pointers to functions, 
         // then creates array of those pointers to functions
       //void (*vibrato_change)() = vib_chg; 
       //void (*lfo_change)() = lfo_chg ;
       //void (*command[])() = {vib_chg,lfo_chg };
       //return EXIT_SUCCESS;    
 //}//end main    
     // the following returns errors: (see end of file)
     // why doesn't this version work? 
     // does it have something to do with declaring functions
     // and then variables, and then functions again?
     void (*vibrato_change)(); 
     void (*lfo_change)();
     vibrato_change = vib_chg;
     lfo_change = lfo_chg ;
     void (*command[])() = {vib_chg,lfo_chg };
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
   }//end main
 results for working program (the one commented out above)
 as run on a commodore pet
 *** commodore basic 4.0 ***
  31743 bytes free
 searching for array?of?funcs.prg
 vib -> do me!
 lfo - > do me!
 results for non-working programm
 compile error output:
 C:6502cc65bin>cl65 -t pet array_of_funcs_ALT.c -o
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Warning: Statement has no effect
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: `;' expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Warning: Statement has no effect
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: `;' expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Warning: Statement has no effect
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: `;' expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Warning: Statement has no effect
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: `;' expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Warning: Statement has no effect
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: `;' expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Error: Expression expected
 array_of_funcs_ALT.c(52): Fatal: Too many errors

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