Re: [cc65] CBM POSIX I/O - USR Files

From: Groepaz <>
Date: 2010-03-29 13:35:45
On Montag 29 März 2010, you wrote:
> On 2010-03-29, at 00:21, Groepaz wrote:
> > to be honest, i find it quite irritating too... normally, *most*
> > files in the
> > commodore world are PRG files, SEQ is used mostly for textfiles and
> > such, and
> > USR is infact quite rare "in the wild". personally i am using a
> > patched
> > runtime which uses PRG by default for this very reason :)
> But - to be honest - what's the advantage?
> I also rarely used USR files in the times but that was because I
> associated the filetypes in the following way:
> PRG - files, which content is expected to be loaded at specific
> address in memory
> SEQ - files, which are read in portions f. e. into I/O buffers at any
> address
> USR - files, which are loaded at any address - all data at once
> REL - data, for which random access is required - used for database
> applications

it becomes an advantage at the very moment you try to interact with files 
"from the real world" from within your cc65 program. then all of a sudden most 
files you will deal with are PRG. even SEQ is a special case that most people 
never use. USR is just completely alien to pretty much everyone, and totally 
useless if you want to work on it with some other program which is not written 
with cc65.


Ich bin nicht für die Bestrafung von Dummheit. Ich habe auch nichts gegen 
Amerika. Aber könnte man nicht die Warnhinweise von allen Produkten entfernen 
und sich die Sache selbst regeln lassen?

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