Re: [cc65] bank switching/retro replay?

From: Marc 'BlackJack Rintsch <>
Date: 2009-11-09 22:14:13
On Monday 09 November 2009, Ullrich von Bassewitz wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 09:48:35PM +0100, Marc 'BlackJack Rintsch 
> > `sdcc` has a keyword named `banked` (?) and when you mark a
> > funktion with it you can call such a function just like any other
> > and the compiler emits a jump to trampoline code that does the
> > banking and calling for you transparently, including "banking back"
> > to the caller function.
> Thanks! But how does it know, how banking works on a specific
> hardware?

It doesn't, you have to supply the trampoline code.  Calling such 
a "banked" function puts the bank and address within the bank into 
known locations and then calls the trampoline code 
`__sdcc_banked_call`.  This code saves the current bank onto the stack 
changes the bank and calls the function.  On return `__sdcc_banked_ret` 
is called which switches back to the callers bank.  The two functions 
are of course dependent on the target hardware and have to be supplied 
by the programmer.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
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