[cc65] library path

From: Thomas Giesel <skoe1directbox.com>
Date: 2009-09-23 22:26:33
Hi all,

because I became a victim of the optimizer I upgraded from snapshot
200905?? to 090923. When I use ld65 ... --lib c64 it complains:
ld65: Error: Input file `c64.lib' not found

I compiled it on Linux as usual using:
make -f make/gcc.mak
sudo make -f make/gcc.mak install

And even when using the default paths I tried:
export CC65_LIB=/usr/local/lib/cc65/lib
export CC65_INC=/usr/local/lib/cc65/include

It only works when I add -L /usr/local/lib/cc65/lib to the command line.

Did I miss something?



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