Re: [cc65] HEAP from here to there

From: Ullrich von Bassewitz <>
Date: 2009-05-29 23:00:04
Good evening and sorry for the delay. I had to investigate the issue further.

First, please do not reply to the list *and* to my personal mail address. I do
read the list, so there's no reason to clutter my mailbox.

Regarding the heap segment: The current state of the sources seem to say that
something like what you were suggesting was planned and not finished.
Unfortunately, I'm so old that I cannot remember:-)

Most but not all platforms have a HEAP segment that is located at top of the
RAM (or similar) area, but this segment is nowhere defined.  

I think (but I'm not sure) that the plan was to mark the start of the heap
with this segment to make it independent of BSS. Using the size of the heap
segment won't work with the current linker, because what we usually want is to
use the complete remainder of the memory area that contains the BSS and STACK
for the heap. Since segments have fixed sizes, your suggestion is not
satisfactory. A fixed size heap segment is to small or too large for > 99% of
all programs:-) Maybe this is the reason why the current solution is still in
place: It works quite well for most platforms and programs, and if you need
something else, the hooks are in place to change the behaviour to your liking.


        Uz      (out of town until monday)

Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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