Re: [cc65] building under cygwin

From: Greg King <>
Date: 2007-06-21 15:23:24
From: silverdr; on Wednesday, June 20, 2007; at 12:58 PM -0400
> I am not sure how long it is there but I remember
> looking for it some long time ago, and then just accepting it not
> being there. ;-)

Hmm, I have a vague memory of adding the uninstall rule when I expanded the
install rule.

> As for the GNU make -- I'd have to check the sources if I am
> not babbling BS, but wouldn't it be just as easy as passing a proper
> DEF?  I think most make-s accept that?

In this case, I changed only "my" makefile.  I exploited the facts that
gmake will pass to sub-makes the options and assignments from the
command-line; and normally, similar assignments in a makefile are replaced
by the ones from the command-line.  Therefore, the gmakes for the "cc65/"
and the "ld65/" subdirectories will use the paths from the top-level
makefile instead of the ones that are set by the makefiles that are _two_
levels down from the top.

I don't know how much of that stuff is done by other brands of make.
They simply might use the assignments in those lower makefiles, always.
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