RE: [cc65] C64 Cartridge Program

From: Bill Katsak <>
Date: 2007-05-18 13:02:07
I will get more details tomorrow, I have to leave for work shortly, but
the switch to lowercase is still in there. It just does not happen for
some reason.

Here is the startup code as I am using it:

; Startup code for cc65 (C64 version)
; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line

	.export		_exit
	.import		initlib, donelib, callirq
       	.import	       	zerobss
	.import	     	callmain
        .import         RESTOR, BSOUT, CLRCH
	.import	       	__INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__
	.import		__RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__	; Linker
	.import copydata
        .include        ""
	.include     	""

; Place the startup code in a special segment.

.segment       	"STARTUP"

; BASIC header with a SYS call

;        .word   Head            ; Load address
;Head:   .word   @Next
;        .word   .version        ; Line number
;        .byte   $9E,"2061"      ; SYS 2061
;        .byte   $00             ; End of BASIC line
;@Next:  .word   0               ; BASIC end marker

;Cartridge AUTOSTART header
.byte $09,$80
.byte $19,$80
.byte $c3,$c2,$cd,$38,$30

;Kernal init routines.
stx $d016
jsr $fda3
jsr $fd50
jsr $fd15
jsr $ff5b

;These are BASIC init routines, I just tried them for the heck of it.
;jsr $e453
;jsr $e3bf
;jsr $e422
;ldx #$fb

; Actual code

	ldx    	#zpspace-1
L1:	lda	sp,x
   	sta	zpsave,x	; Save the zero page locations we need
       	bpl	L1

; Close open files

	jsr	CLRCH

; Switch to second charset

	lda	#14
	jsr	BSOUT

; Switch off the BASIC ROM

;	lda	$01
;       	pha                     ; Remember the value
;	and	#$F8
;       	ora	#$06		; Enable kernal+I/O, disable
;	sta	$01

; Clear the BSS data

	jsr	zerobss
; Copy DATA to RAM

	jsr copydata
; Save system settings and setup the stack

        sta	mmusave      	; Save the memory configuration

       	stx    	spsave 		; Save the system stack ptr

	lda    	#<(__RAM_START__ + __RAM_SIZE__)
	sta	sp
	lda	#>(__RAM_START__ + __RAM_SIZE__)
       	sta	sp+1   		; Set argument stack ptr

; Call module constructors

	jsr	initlib

; If we have IRQ functions, chain our stub into the IRQ vector

        lda     #<__INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__
      	beq	NoIRQ1
      	lda	IRQVec
       	ldx	IRQVec+1
      	sta	IRQInd+1
      	stx	IRQInd+2
      	lda	#<IRQStub
      	ldx	#>IRQStub
      	sta	IRQVec
      	stx	IRQVec+1

; Push arguments and call main

NoIRQ1: jsr     callmain

; Back from main (This is also the _exit entry). Reset the IRQ vector if
; chained it.

_exit: 	pha  			; Save the return code on stack
	lda     #<__INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__
	beq	NoIRQ2
	lda	IRQInd+1
	ldx	IRQInd+2
	sta	IRQVec
	stx	IRQVec+1

; Run module destructors

NoIRQ2: jsr	donelib

; Copy back the zero page stuff

       	ldx	#zpspace-1
L2:   	lda	zpsave,x
      	sta	sp,x
       	bpl	L2

; Place the program return code into ST

	sta	ST

; Restore system stuff

  	ldx	spsave
	txs	       	  	; Restore stack pointer
       	ldx    	mmusave
	stx	$01    	  	; Restore memory configuration

; Reset changed vectors, back to basic


; The IRQ vector jumps here, if condes routines are defined with type 2.

	cld    	       		   	; Just to be sure
       	jsr    	callirq                 ; Call the functions
       	jmp    	IRQInd			; Jump to the saved IRQ vector

; Data


zpsave:	.res	zpspace
IRQInd: jmp     $0000


spsave:	.res	1
mmusave:.res	1


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