Re: [cc65] Loadable overlays

From: Groepaz <>
Date: 2006-07-31 13:54:11
On Sunday 30 July 2006 12:58, Maciej Witkowiak wrote:
> Ullrich von Bassewitz dnia 30 lip 2006 o 11:54 +0200 napisa�:
> > > But as I said, it will have a big performance impact
> > > given that cc65 calls some library routines quite
> > > often.
> >
> > Not only that there is a performance impact, there's also the problem of
> > the jump table size. As I said, the runtime consists of several hundred
> > functions. This means that you will have spend about 1K just for the jump
> > table.
> LUnix uses something what was called a virtual jump table. There is include
> file with a list of kernel functions, starting with magic value and
> incrementing by two:

[...snip... ]

useless trivia: this is *exactly* how the playstation portables kernel handles 
it aswell :=)


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<George W. Bush>

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