Re: [cc65] Need help getting started with cc65 NES

From: PH <>
Date: 2005-11-17 00:45:00
The copy section you mention looks like this:

LDA #$05
LDA #$8A
LDA #$00
LDA #$60
LDX #$00

I'm not familiar enough with 6502 assembly to know if that is right or not.

Also, I understand your argument regarding the init code.


Ullrich von Bassewitz wrote:

>Ok. If there is no code, it cannot be executed:-) So either there's no RAM, or
>the copy operation fails for some reason. If you look at the startup code in
>the crt0.s file, you will notice a block of code that starts with
>        ; Copy the .data segment to RAM
>This is the code that copies that initialization data from the ROM into the
>RAM. Please check if this code works (it probably won't). That means, if a
>copied byte does actually appear at the target location. Unfortunately, I
>don't have any ideas what might be wrong besides missing or non writable RAM
>at $6000.

>The startup code is always needed, because it does things like initialize the
>bss segment, setup the stack and so on. Without the startup code, the
>translated C code won't work. Simpler code (like the one from my earlier mail)
>will still have the startup code prepended, but almost no additional library
>initialization code added. The library initialization code is what is called
>from the initlib routine. Using explicit calls to init routines is a bad idea.
>For one, it is difficult to oversee, which calls are needed, because this
>depends on the target platform and which library routines are used. Second, a
>special calling order has to be used. And third, the compiler would violate
>the standard, because a simple
>        #include <stdlib.h>
>        #include <stdio.h>
>        int main (void)
>        {
>            printf ("hello world!\n");
>            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
>        }
>would no longer work.
>        Uz
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