Re: [cc65] Need help getting started with cc65 NES

From: PH <>
Date: 2005-11-16 15:46:35
I have done some more studying, and I have examined the code in the FCE 
Ultra debugger.  It appears that my code is not being loaded into the 
right memory space.  My code is shown starting at $80cb in memory, but 
on reset it should start at $8000, is that right?  Anyway, I single 
stepped it, and it never gets to address $80cb, so my code isn't being 
run.  Any ideas there?  I've also included the code from the 
helloworld.s file for your viewing.  Thanks for all the help guys.

; File generated by cc65 v 2.11.0
    .fopt        compiler,"cc65 v 2.11.0"
    .setcpu        "6502"
    .smart        on
    .autoimport    on
    .case        on
    .debuginfo    off
    .importzp    sp, sreg, regsave, regbank, tmp1, ptr1, ptr2
    .macpack    longbranch
    .import        _clrscr
    .import        _cprintf
    .import        _textcolor
    .import        _bgcolor
    .export        _main

.segment    "RODATA"

    .byte    $68,$65,$6C,$6C,$6F,$20,$77,$6F,$72,$6C,$64,$00

; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; void __near__ main (void)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------

.segment    "CODE"

.proc    _main: near

.segment    "CODE"

    lda     #$08
    sta     $2000
    lda     #$1E
    sta     $2001
    jsr     _clrscr
    lda     #$01
    jsr     _textcolor
    lda     #$00
    jsr     _bgcolor
    lda     #<(L0001)
    ldx     #>(L0001)
    jsr     pushax
    ldy     #$02
    jsr     _cprintf
L000E:    jmp     L000E



Ullrich von Bassewitz wrote:

>Can you try something even simpler to check, if the program is running at all
>and just the library is messed up, or if the program is not running at all?
>Something like
>        #include <peekpoke.h>
>        int main (void)
>        {
>            POKE (0x1234, 0xAA);
>            POKE (0x4321, 0x55);
>            while (1) ;
>        }
>The POKEs need to be choosen for the NES so that a noticeable effect is
>generated. Like producing a sound or generating output on the screen. Above
>POKEs are just examples, since I don't know anything about the NES.
>        Uz
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