Re: [cc65] cc65 on Mac OS X

From: Ullrich von Bassewitz <>
Date: 2005-04-08 22:03:00
On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 08:25:03AM -0700, Andy Dannelley wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a set of files that I can use as an example,
> also, what files are necessary?

Absolutely necessary are the linker configuration (platform.cfg) and the
startup code (crt0.s, assembled to platform.o). Provided that you have these
two files, you can write programs that run on the platform. You may use any of
the existing platforms as example, I'm usually suggesting the c16.

> 2.  I need to write and include for the 6522 VIA.  Is anything else
> necessary besides writing the include and putting it with the other
> include files?

If you use peekpoke.h you don't need a header file. But there's already a
_6522.h header file does already exist, so a something like

        #include <_6522.h>
        #define VIA     (*(struct __6522*)0x2000)

will make the VIA addressable as pseudo struct at address $2000.

> 3.  Probably the most difficult, find a way to make an object file
> compatible with AIM 65 and a way to transfer the object file from my
> Mac to the AIM 65,

That's probably the most difficult part:-)

> Oh, one more question, how stable is the snapshot 2.10.5 from Apr 6,
> 2005?

The current snapshots are quite stable, so I see no problem if you want to use
them. However, the idea behind the snapshots is that people use them and tell
me, if there are any problems. So if there are problems, please

    - recheck with the newest snapshot, and

    - if the problem persists, please notify me.

I'm not able to test code for 4+ source and 16 target platforms. Without
people doing the tests and giving feedback, cc65 cannot evolve. This sounds
obvious, but my experience says it is not.



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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