Re[2]: [cc65] quickly getting the adress from somewhere in the code

From: Mats Andr�n <>
Date: 2004-09-27 21:42:48
>         .import baz
>         foo     = bar*3+baz
>         ca65 -g myfile.s
>         ld65 --dbgfile myfile.dbg myfile.o myotherfile.o
>         grep -w foo myfile.dbg

> is sufficient to output the result of any expression. You can place the grep
> command into the makefile, so printing the value is more or less automatic.

Ah! That's the part I missed (that the symbol values are available in
the debug info). The above solution indeed satisfies me. Thanks a lot
for taking your time!

Note that the "--dbgfile" option is not described in the online docs
for ld65 at . Maybe I should not use
those docs, but some other docs included in the distribution?

> I admit that you do currently need to place an additional grep command in the
> makefile, compared to the suggested solution, but how many people must do that
> to justify half a day of development work and a change in the object file
> format (which would be necessary)? There are features missing from cc65, but
> this one is not missing, it is just not as easy to use as expected.

Very understandable. Thanks again!


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