Re: [cc65] Latest cc65 source snapshot RPM's

From: Ullrich von Bassewitz <>
Date: 2004-07-10 10:47:52

On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 07:09:43AM +0930, Todd Elliott wrote:
> How do I extract the source codes for the cc65 programming suite from the
> RPM snapshot? It keeps on insisting that user/group uz is not available
> and 'root' is used instead. I checked out the root directories and didn't
> find any source code files there. I'm using MDK 10 Official.

If you are installing the RPM package as root, the source package contents
will go somewhere below /usr/src. Redhat is installing it in /usr/src/redhat,
but SuSE doesn't use this directory name, and I'm pretty sure Mandrake won't
either:-) You may want to look out for /usr/src/packages or similar.

A better way is to manage packages as a non root user. To do that, you will
have to create a file named .rpmmacros in your home directory. It should
contain (at least) the following two lines:

%_topdir /home/<your-user-name>/packages
%tmpdir /var/tmp

Then, create the directory in the macro %_topdir, and the following
subdirectory structure:

uz@trixie:~/packages$ l -d *
drwxrwxr-x    2 uz       uz           4096 10. Jul 03:28 BUILD/
drwxrwxr-x    3 uz       uz           4096 23. Jul 2001  RPMS/
drwxrwxr-x    2 uz       uz           4096 10. Jul 03:28 SOURCES/
drwxrwxr-x    2 uz       uz           4096 23. Jun 09:26 SPECS/
drwxrwxr-x    2 uz       uz           4096 10. Jul 03:28 SRPMS/

You can now install a RPM source package as user. The sources and patches (if
any) will go into ~/packages/SOURCES, the spec file will go into
~/packages/SPECS, it will be built in ~/packages/BUILD, and the generated RPMs
will be in ~/packages/SRPMS for the source RPM and ~/pachages/<arch> for the
binary RPMs.

To create binary RPMs from the source RPM, enter the ~/packages/SPECS
directory and say

        rpmbuild -ba --clean cc65.spec

If your distrbution is older, rpmbuild may not be a separate program, in this
case try

        rpm -ba --clean cc65.spec

Once you've verified that the RPMs build without problems you can start making
changes to the spec file or the sources.



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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Received on Sat Jul 10 10:47:56 2004

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