Re: [cc65] ca65: macro parameter types

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From: Ullrich von Bassewitz (
Date: 2003-11-22 03:06:18


On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 12:56:07AM +0100, Stephan Lesch wrote:
> I would like to write a macro that takes a string OR a number as
> an argument and distinguishes the types, like
> Is there a way to do this?

Yes. The .MATCH function is your friend:

.macro  print arg
        .if .match (arg, "")
                .segment "STRINGS"
                .local   txt
txt:            .asciiz  arg
                .word    txt
                .word   arg

One trick used here is to check explicitly only for strings, otherwise an
expression that includes more than just a number won't get recognized. If you
just want to accept strings and numeric literals, you can use the following
version with improved error detection:

.macro  print arg
        .if .tcount (arg) <> 1
                .error   "Invalid argument for macro print"
        .elseif .match (arg, "")
                .segment "STRINGS"
                .local   txt
txt:            .asciiz  arg
                .word    txt
        .elseif .match (arg, 0)
                .word   arg
                .error   "Invalid argument type for macro print"

Note that this second version will no longer accept things like

        print   12+13



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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