Re: [cc65] [very OT] KVM

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From: Brian Bagnall (
Date: 2003-10-05 20:44:07

---- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Dunkels" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [cc65] [very OT] KVM

> On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 18:27, Keates, Mark wrote:
> > <insanity>Has anyone considered trying to compile/port the j2me cldc/kvm
> > interpreter using CC65?</insanity>
> The Sun kVM probably would be too large to fit any of the current cc65
> targets; the web page says that it
> can run in as "little" as 160 kb total memory. The TinyVM Java VM used
> in leJOS probably would be a better way to
> go. The now out-dated TinyVM homepage at
> states that TinyVM compiles to 10 kb on the H8-based Lego Mindstorms
> platform, so it ought to be a better fit.
> Brian Bagnall looked into porting a Java VM to the C64 a while ago, but
> he doesn't seem to have updated his web page for a while:

I haven't done anything since last updating my webpage. At the time I was
researching how to program for the LUnix Kernel and it sounded like there
would be some assembly required :) and I know almost nothing about assembly
language. Basically I think it came down to using ca65 and ld65 to produce a
.o65 file, then using the Luna assembler on that. Someone named Greg King
was making progress in this area so maybe I'll check how he's doing.

It would be cool if someone on the LUnix project made a package specifically
for CC65 but things seem to have slowed down on LUnix. From what I could see
in the mailing list there was no interest in writing a driver for the RR-Net
card either, which would be a thing of beauty.

If anyone has compiled an executable for LUnix using CC65, please let me
know how you did it.

- Brian

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