Re: [cc65] 65tris on ATARI

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From: Ullrich von Bassewitz (
Date: 2002-12-19 14:04:11


On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 10:26:25PM +0100, Carsten Strotmann wrote:
> If it's ok for you I will put the code into the ATARI readjoy.s, selectable by
> a "define" (at this time).

Personally, I don't like defines, because they make the code difficult to read
and to test. But Christian will have to decide this.

If the code is able to distinguish between a machine with and without the
multi joystick interface, my suggestion would be to do just this and accept
higher joystick numbers for the readjoy function.

Another transparent solution is to enocde the interface into the joystick
number. For example, the lower nibble could be the joystick number while the
high nibble could be the type of the joystick. This way, we don't have to
change the API, just add some additional defines in the form

        #define JOY_STANDARD    0x00
        #define JOY_MULTI       0x10

Both solutions wouldn't need any defines in the sources, which is an
additional advantage:-)



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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