Re: [cc65] Weird problems with LoadKoala

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From: MagerValp (
Date: 2002-12-08 20:54:11

>>>>> "V" ==   <> writes:

V> void centertext(char text[40], int coordy) {
V> gotoxy(40 - strlen(text), coordy)ö
V> cprintf("%s",text);
V> }

As the 1st argument is just a pointer to a string, defining it as
unsigned char * makes a bit more sense. In any case, specifying a size
for the array doesn't work. And to center the text, you should use
half the screen width minus half the text length:

void centertext(unsigned char *text, unsigned char line) {
  gotoxy((40 - strlen(text))/2, line);
  cprintf("%s", text);

V> btw. Seems that if I add *ANY* function it fucks up.

Well, then the rest of your code is buggy :) Reduce the program to its
bare minimum and try to isolate the problem. Post here if you can't
find it.

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .  Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
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