Re: [cc65] ca65

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From: MagerValp (
Date: 2002-11-26 14:16:20

>>>>> "UvB" == Ullrich von Bassewitz <> writes:

UvB> You can also use C like header files:

Well this is what makes ca65 unique. It's clearly better suited for
"real" development than other 6502 assemblers out there.

UvB> Another feature I do really like is the capability to store
UvB> complete expression trees in the object file. For example, the
UvB> startup code for the VIC20 generates the BASIC header like this:

UvB>         .word   Head            ; Load address
UvB> Head:   .word   @Next
UvB>         .word   1000            ; Line number
UvB>         .byte   $9E             ; SYS token
UvB>         .byte   <(((@Start / 1000) .mod 10) + $30)
UvB>         .byte   <(((@Start /  100) .mod 10) + $30)
UvB>         .byte   <(((@Start /   10) .mod 10) + $30)
UvB>         .byte   <(((@Start /    1) .mod 10) + $30)
UvB>         .byte   $00             ; End of BASIC line
UvB> @Next:  .word   0               ; BASIC end marker
UvB> @Start:

Gotta stick up for my old favourite, DAsm :)

	processor 6502

	include ""	; or,, etc

	dc.w next
	dc.w 2002
	dc.b $9e
	dc.b init/1000 % 10 + $30
	dc.b init/100 % 10 + $30
	dc.b init/10 % 10 + $30
	dc.b init % 10 + $30
	dc.b 0
next	dc.w 0

init	subroutine
	inc $d020
	jmp *-3

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .  Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .
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