Re[3]: [cc65] C64 high res color RAM

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From: groepaz (
Date: 2002-05-28 22:42:29

ouch! the interupt routine ofcoz should NOT be located at $d000 :o)
that would be veeeeeeeery surprising if it works ;=P

now i think of it..... it may have been that running code in the ram
under i/o when the interupt occurs is one of the things required to
make it crash ;=)

g>        *=$c000
g>        sei
g>        lda #$35
g>        sta $01
g>        lda #$01
g>        sta $d01a
g>        lda #$7f
g>        sta $dc0d
g>        lda #$f8
g>        sta $d012
g>        lda #$1b
g>        sta $d011
g>        lda #>irq
g>        sta $ffff
g>        lda #<irq
g>        sta $fffe
g>        lda #$34
g>        sta $01
g>        cli

g>        jmp *

g>        *=$d000    <========== NOOOOO, use $c100 or sth ;=)

g> irq:
g>        pha
g>        lda $01
g>        pha

g>        ; do stuff
g>        inc $d020
g>        lda $d019    ; inc $d019 aint scpu-safe
g>        sta $d019
g>        pla
g>        sta $01
g>        pla
g>        rti

Best regards,

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