Re: [cc65] 65816

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From: Ullrich von Bassewitz (
Date: 2002-04-16 09:40:23

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 12:51:02PM -0700, Matt Ackeret wrote:
> Well, I would like this to run on my *real* GS.

I haven't tried to use cc65 to translate itself lately. A 6502 machine does
not have enough memory to run the executable anyway, but it should be possible
to translate the modules or at least most of them. This would be a
prerequisite for runing cc65 on one of the target machines.

> Though being able to write programs in C that run on 8 bit Apple IIs is
> nice too..  (I haven't actually tried this -- can I write programs that then
> run from BASIC.SYSTEM?  Can I do file I/O?)

I have to admit that my knowledge about the Apple ][ and cc65 support for it
is rather limited. The Apple ][ library was done by Kevin Ruland, and is
currently not maintained. It has some problems with character mappings for the
newer Apples (if I understand that correctly, older machines could only
display capital letters). File I/O is not available. BTW: The only machines
that support standard C file I/O are the Ataris, Christian Groessler has put a
lot of effort into this. 



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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