Re: [cc65] how about commercial prgs?

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From: Bryan Pope (
Date: 2002-03-28 17:23:54

And thusly Mike McCarty spake:
> So, if your platform does not support dynamic linking, then this LGPL
> code cannot be used on it without the GPL virus attaching itself to your
> own code.
> This is a deliberate act by the FSF. Their website has deliberate
> misstatements of fact. For example one reads at
>         The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
>         freedom to share and change it.
> This is false. Licenses *grant* permission, they do not *deny*
> freedom. A license *cannot* deny anyone any freedom.
>         By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to
>         guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to
>         make sure the software is free for all its users. 
> This is false. They are designed to ensure that commercial/proprietary
> developers cannot use their code. They are intended to grant license to
> all but commercial/proprietary developers. They are intended to deny
> license to commercial/proprietary developers.
> Note the difference in meaning between the words "freedom" and
> "license". I have freedom to enter my house. You enter my house only by
> my permission and license. If I grant you license to enter my house, but
> only under certain conditions, I have not denied you any freedom at all.


	Then the license you may want is the BSD-style one:

1.3. Does the FreeBSD license have any restrictions?

Yes. Those restrictions do not control how you use the code, merely
how you treat the FreeBSD Project itself. If you have serious license
concerns, read the actual license. For the simply curious, the license
can be summarized like this.
  * Do not claim that you wrote this.
  * Do not sue us if it breaks.

Further info at


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