ip65 technical reference

File : ip65/config.s

IP configuration defaults
most of these will be overwritten if dhcp is used for configuration


return a pointer to where the IP configuration is kept
this is really only useful for the NB65 API - for anything
linking directly against ip65, you would just import the
address of the individual configuration elements, rather
than use a base pointer+offsets to find each item.
inputs: none
outputs: AX = pointer to IP configuration.
copy the IP stack defaults (probably stored in ROM) to the running values in RAM
inputs: none
outputs: AX = pointer to IP configuration.


variabledescriptionsize (bytes)
cfg_dns ip address of dns server to use (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called) 4;
cfg_gatewayip address of router on local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called) 4
cfg_ipip address of local machine (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called) 4
cfg_macmac address to be assigned to local machine 6
cfg_netmask netmask of local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called) 4;
cfg_tftp_server ip address of server to send tftp requests to (can be a broadcast address) 4
dhcp_serverwill be set address of dhcp server that configuration was obtained from 4


cfg_mac_defaultmac address to be assigned to local machine $00, $80, $10, $00, $51, $00


;IP configuration defaults
;most of these will be overwritten if dhcp is used for configuration

.include "../inc/common.i"

.export cfg_mac
.export cfg_mac_default
.export cfg_ip
.export cfg_netmask
.export cfg_gateway
.export cfg_dns
.export cfg_tftp_server
.export cfg_get_configuration_ptr
.export cfg_init
.export cfg_default_drive
.export cfg_size

.export dhcp_server 
.import copymem
.importzp copy_src
.importzp copy_dest

;return a pointer to where the IP configuration is kept
;this is really only useful for the NB65 API - for anything
;linking directly against ip65, you would just import the
;address of the individual configuration elements, rather
;than use a base pointer+offsets to find each item.
;inputs: none
;outputs: AX = pointer to IP configuration.
  ldax  #cfg_mac

;copy the IP stack defaults (probably stored in ROM) to the running values in RAM
;inputs: none
;outputs: AX = pointer to IP configuration.
  ldax  #cfg_mac_default
  stax copy_src
  ldax  #cfg_mac
  stax copy_dest
  ldax  #cfg_size
  jmp copymem

.segment "IP65_DEFAULTS"
cfg_mac_default:  .byte $00, $80, $10, $00, $51, $00  ;mac address to be assigned to local machine
cfg_ip_default:    .byte 192, 168, 1, 64 ;ip address of local machine (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
;cfg_ip_default:    .byte 0,0,0,0 ;ip address of local machine (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_netmask_default:  .byte 255, 255, 255, 0; netmask of local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
;cfg_gateway_default:  .byte 0, 0, 0, 0 ;ip address of router on local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_gateway_default:  .byte 192, 168, 1, 1 ;ip address of router on local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_dns_default:  .byte 0, 0, 0, 0; ip address of dns server to use (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
dhcp_server_default: .res 4   ;will be set address of dhcp server that configuration was obtained from
cfg_tftp_server_default: .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; ip address of server to send tftp requests to (can be a broadcast address)
cfg_default_drive_default: .byte 8


cfg_mac:  .res 6  ;mac address to be assigned to local machine
cfg_ip:    .res 4 ;ip address of local machine (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_netmask:  .res 4; netmask of local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_gateway:  .res 4 ;ip address of router on local network (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
cfg_dns:  .res 4; ip address of dns server to use (will be overwritten if dhcp_init is called)
dhcp_server: .res 4   ;will be set address of dhcp server that configuration was obtained from
cfg_tftp_server: .res 4 ; ip address of server to send tftp requests to (can be a broadcast address)
cfg_default_drive: .res 1

;-- LICENSE FOR config.s --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Original Code is ip65.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Per Olofsson,
; MagerValp@gmail.com.
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
; Per Olofsson. All Rights Reserved.