ip65 technical reference

File : drivers/c64_vt100.s

 vt100 emulation for C64
 vt100 emulation for C64
 originally from CaTer - Copyright Lars Stollenwerk 2003
 CaTer homepage is http://formica.nusseis.de/Cater/
 converted for use with ip65 by Jonno Downes, 2009.
 this version is for C64 only
 CaTer originally licensed under GPL
 Lars Stollenwerk has agreed to relicense the code in this file under MPL (Oct 2009)

 to use:
 1) call vt100_init_terminal
 2) for every 'inbound' data (received from remote host), call "vt100_process_inbound_char" - this will update the screen
 3) pass every keypress into vt100_transform_outbound_char. on return from this call,
      Y = 0 means don't send anything as a result of this keypress
      Y = 1 means A contains single character to send to remote host
      Y = 2 means AX points at null terminated string to send to remote host (e.g. an ANSI escape sequence)


intialize VT100 emulation state
inputs: none
outputs: none
process incoming character
 A is inbound character
 none, but screen and/or terminal state is updated.
 * outgoing data
 given a single char (read from keyboard)
 work out what data should be sent to the remote host.
 A = keypress
 Y=0 - no data to be sent (i.e. ignore keypress)
 Y=1 - A contains single byte to send
 Y=2 - AX points to null terminated string to send
Y=0 nothing to send
Y=1 A = char to send
Y=2 AX=pointer to asciiz string to send


; vt100 emulation for C64
; vt100 emulation for C64
; originally from CaTer - Copyright Lars Stollenwerk 2003
; CaTer homepage is http://formica.nusseis.de/Cater/
; converted for use with ip65 by Jonno Downes, 2009.
; this version is for C64 only
; CaTer originally licensed under GPL
; Lars Stollenwerk has agreed to relicense the code in this file under MPL (Oct 2009)
; to use:
; 1) call vt100_init_terminal
; 2) for every 'inbound' data (received from remote host), call "vt100_process_inbound_char" - this will update the screen
; 3) pass every keypress into vt100_transform_outbound_char. on return from this call,
;      Y = 0 means don't send anything as a result of this keypress
;      Y = 1 means A contains single character to send to remote host
;      Y = 2 means AX points at null terminated string to send to remote host (e.g. an ANSI escape sequence)

.include "../inc/common.i"

.export vt100_init_terminal
.export vt100_process_inbound_char
.export vt100_transform_outbound_char

.import beep

; --- colour values ---
col_black       = $00
col_white       = $01
col_red         = $02
col_cyan        = $03
col_purple      = $04
col_green       = $05
col_blue        = $06
col_yellow      = $07
col_orange      = $08
col_brown       = $09
col_light_red   = $0a
col_gray_1      = $0b
col_gray_2      = $0c
col_light_green = $0d
col_light_blue  = $0e
col_gray_3      = $0f

; --- colours ---
; vanilla     f  bold 1
; underline   e       3
; blink       5       d
; blink uline a       7
charmode_vanilla = $0f
charmode_bold = $01
charmode_underline = $0e
charmode_underline_bold = $03
charmode_blink = $05
charmode_blink_bold = $0d
charmode_blink_underline = $0a
charmode_blink_underline_bold = $07

; text background 
text_background_colour = col_black

.segment "APP_SCRATCH" 
escape_buffer: .res $100


; --- esc mode ---
; $00 = normal
; $0f = esc mode
; $ff = esc [ mode
; $f0 = ignore one char
escape_mode: .res 1

; --- Vector ---
; four vectors in zeropage 
; for temporary use
temp_ptr_z: .res 2
temp_ptr_y: .res 2
temp_ptr_x: .res 2
temp_ptr_w: .res 2

escape_buffer_length: .res 1  ; points to first free position
escape_parameter: .res 1       ; numeric parameter in esc sequence
scroll_region_start: .res 1
scroll_region_end: .res 1

; font_mode contains three bits
; bit 0 = bold
; bit 1 = underline
; bit 2 = blink
; bit 7 = direct ANSI ESC colour
font_mode: .res 1

direct_colour: .res 1

; --- crsr save area ---
; here is crsr info saved with 
; ESC 7 and restored from with
; ESC 8

saved_font_mode:  .res 1
saved_reverse_mode:  .res 1
saved_row:  .res 1
saved_column:  .res 1

print_ptr: .res 2 ;temp vector for printing to screen

; -------------------------------------
; memory map
; -------------------------------------

; --- screen --- 
; $0400 - $07ff
Screen = $0400

; --- escape buffer --- 
; $0800 - $0bff

; --- char --- 
; $2000 - $27ff
font_table = $2000

; -------------------------------------
; constant declaration
; -------------------------------------

esc = $1b
brace = $5b


;intialize VT100 emulation state
;inputs: none
;outputs: none

  jsr initialise_variables ; init memory variables
  jsr initialise_font; init font
  jsr initialise_screen ; init screen
;process incoming character
; A is inbound character
; none, but screen and/or terminal state is updated.

  lda escape_mode   ; handle esc mode
  beq :+            ; to far for branch to escape
  jmp handle_escape_char
  lda ascii_to_petscii,y         ; ASCII to PETSCII
  beq @done         ; ignore non-printing chars     
  cmp #$01          ; something special?
  beq handle_special_char        
  jsr print_to_screen ; print to screen        

  ldx $d6     ; get row
  ldy #$00    ; set col=0
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  ldx $d6     ; crsr line
  cpx scroll_region_end     ; end scroll region?
  bne down_one_line    ;  no -> go on
  jsr cursor_off
  jsr scroll_up_scrollregion   ;  yes -> scroll up
  jsr cursor_on

  tya         ; restore original char
  cmp #$0d    ; CR?
  beq do_cr
  cmp #$08    ; BS?
  bne @not_bs
  ldy $d3     ; get col
  beq @bs_done   ; stop at left margin
  dey         ; dec column
  ldx $d6     ; get row
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  cmp #$1b    ; esc?
  bne @not_escape
  lda #$0f    ; set esc mode
  sta escape_mode
  cmp #$07    ; BEL?
  bne @not_bell  
  jsr beep
  cmp #$0a    ; LF?
  beq do_line_feed
  cmp #$09    ; TAB?
  bne @not_tab
  lda $d3     ; crsr col
  and #$f8    ; (col DIV 8) * 8
  clc         ; col + 8
  adc #$08
  cmp #$28    ; col=40?
  bne @not_last_col     ; no -> skip
  lda #$27    ; yes -> col=39
  tay         ; col to y
  ldx $d6     ; line to x
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr


  cpx #$18    ; end of screen?
  bne @not_end_of_screen     ;  no -> go on
  rts         ;  yes -> do nothing
  inx         ; next line
  ldy $d3     ; get col
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr

; esc mode
; data in Y
; escape_mode <> $00 in A
  tax         ; save escape_mode
  and #$0f    ; escape_mode = $0f?
  bne @not_discard_mode

; --- discard mode --- escape_mode = $f0
;discard char
  lda #$00    ; reset escape_mode
  sta escape_mode

  txa         ; restore escape_mode
  and #$f0    ; escape_mode = $ff?
  beq @short_escape_mode    ; no -> short Emode
  jmp long_escape_mode    ; yes -> long Emode
; short esc mode
; escape_mode = $0f
; process first char
  tya         ; restore char
; --- [ ---
  cmp #brace  ; [ ?
  bne @not_brace
  lda #$ff    ; set esc [ mode
  sta escape_mode
; --- ( ---
        cmp #$28    ; ( ?
        bne :+
        jmp set_discard_mode
; --- ) ---
  cmp #$29    ; ) ?
  bne :+
  jmp set_discard_mode
; --- # ---
  cmp #$23    ; # ?
  bne :+
  jmp set_discard_mode
; --- D --- index 
    cmp #$44    ; D ?
    bne :+
    jsr do_line_feed      ; same as LF
    jmp done_escape
; --- M --- reverse index
  cmp #$4d    ; M ?
  bne @not_M
  ldx $d6     ; get crsr row
  cpx scroll_region_start     ; top of scroll reg?
  bne :+
  jsr cursor_off    ; yes -> scroll down
  jsr scroll_down_scrollregion  
  jsr cursor_on
  jmp done_escape
  cpx #$00    ; top of screen?
  bne :+
  jmp done_escape    ; yes -> do nothing
  dex         ; one line up
  ldy $d3     ; get crsr col
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp done_escape

; --- E --- next line
  cmp #$45    ; E ?
  bne :+
  jsr do_cr
  jsr do_line_feed
  jmp done_escape
; --- 7 --- save crsr
  cmp #$37    ; 7?
  bne :+
  lda font_mode    ; save font
  sta saved_font_mode
  lda $c7     ; save reverse mode
  sta saved_reverse_mode
  ldx $d6     ; save position
  ldy $d3
  stx saved_row
  sty saved_column
  jmp done_escape
; --- 8 --- restore crsr
  cmp #$38    ; 8?
  bne :+
  ldx saved_row ; restore pos
  ldy saved_column
  jsr cursor_plot
  lda saved_reverse_mode   ; restore ..
  sta $c7     ; .. reverse mode
  ldx saved_font_mode   ; restore font
  stx font_mode
  lda font_attribute_table,x
  sta $0286   ; set colour
  jmp done_escape

; --- unknown ---
; --- reset ESC mode ---
  lda #$00    ; reset escape_mode
  sta escape_mode

; --- set Discard mode ---
  lda #$f0    ; set esc mode $f0
  sta escape_mode

; -------------------------------------
; [ esc mode
; escape_mode = $ff
; -------------------------------------
  tya         ; restore char
  ldy escape_buffer_length
  sta escape_buffer,y  ; store char
  sty escape_buffer_length   ; inc esc buffer  
  jsr test_if_letter   ; test letter
  bcs :+     ; process command

; --- process esc command ---
; A = last char
; Y = escape_buffer_length
; X counts processed command chars
  ldx #$00    ; first char 

; --- A --- crsr up       
  cmp #$41    ; A?
  bne @not_A
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq  ; get argument
  lda escape_parameter    ; escape_parameter = 0...
  bne :+
  inc escape_parameter    ; .. means 1
  lda $d6     ; get crsr row        
  sbc escape_parameter    ; row = row - up
  cmp scroll_region_start     ; stop at top of ..
  bpl :+    ; ..scroll region
  lda scroll_region_start    
  tax         ; x is row
  ldy $d3     ; y is col
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- B --- crsr down
  cmp #$42    ; B?
  bne @not_B
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq  ; get argument
  lda escape_parameter    ; escape_parameter = 0...
  bne :+
  inc escape_parameter    ; .. means 1        
  lda $d6     ; get crsr row        
  adc escape_parameter    ; row = row + down
  cmp scroll_region_end     ; outside scrregion?
  bcs :+    ; yes -> branch
  tax         ; x is row
  jmp @skip
 ldx scroll_region_end     ; x = row = scroll_region_end   
  ldy $d3     ; y is col
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- C --- crsr right
  cmp #$43    ; C?
  bne @not_C
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq  ; get argument        
  lda escape_parameter    ; escape_parameter = 0...
  bne :+
  inc escape_parameter    ; .. means 1
  lda $d3     ; get crsr col        
  adc escape_parameter    ; col = col + right
  cmp #$27    ; outside screen?
  bcs :+    ; yes -> branch
  jmp @skip2
  ldy #$27    ; y=col=left margin
  ldx $d6     ; x is row
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- D --- crsr left
  cmp #$44    ; D?
  bne @not_D
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq  ; get argument
  lda escape_parameter    ; escape_parameter = 0...
  bne :+
  inc escape_parameter    ; .. means 1        
  lda $d3     ; get crsr col        
  sbc escape_parameter    ; col = col - left
  bpl :+      ; stop at left..
  lda #$00    ; ..margin
  tay         ; y is col
  ldx $d6     ; x is row
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- m ---  font attributes
  cmp #$6d    ; m?
  bne @not_m
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
  pha         ; save nondigit char
  lda escape_parameter    ; parameter to A
  ; -- 0 --
  bne :+    ; 0?
  sta font_mode    ; set font = vanilla
  sta $c7     ; reverse off
  jmp @end_font_attribute    ; jmp next par
  ; -- 1 -- bold
  cmp #$01
  bne :+
  lda font_mode    ; set bold
  ora #$01
  sta font_mode
  jmp @end_font_attribute    ; next char
  ; -- 4 -- underline
  cmp #$04
  bne :+
  lda font_mode    ; set u_line
  ora #$02
  sta font_mode
  jmp @end_font_attribute    ; next char
  ; -- 5 -- blink
  cmp #$05
  bne :+
  lda font_mode    ; set blink
  ora #$04
  sta font_mode
  jmp @end_font_attribute    ; next char
  ; -- 7 -- reverse
  cmp #$07
  bne :+
  lda #$01    ; set revers
  sta $c7
  jmp @end_font_attribute    ; next char
  ; -- 30 - 37 --
  cmp #38     ; >= 38?
  bcs @end_font_attribute
  cmp #30     ; < 30?
  bcc @end_font_attribute
  sbc #30     ; pointer for table
  sta direct_colour
  lda #$80    ; set direct colour
  sta font_mode
@end_font_attribute:  ; -- next char --
  pla         ; get nondigit char
  cmp #$3b    ; is semicolon?
  beq @next_font_attribute    ; then next cahr
  ; -- set colour --
  lda font_mode    ; 
  bmi :+    ; bit 7->direct col
  tax         ; font to colour
  lda font_attribute_table,x
  sta $0286   ; set colour
  jmp @end_escape_seq
  ; -- set direct colour --
  ldx direct_colour ; colour maping
  lda direct_colour_table,x
  sta $0286   ; set colour
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- K --- erase line
  cmp #$4b      ; K?
  bne @not_K
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq    ; get parameter
  lda escape_parameter      ; in A
  ; -- 0 -- crsr to end of line
  bne :+
  jsr erase_to_end_of_line    ; erase end line
  jmp @end_escape_seq
  ; -- 1 -- begin to crsr
  cmp #$01
  bne :+
  jsr erase_line_to_cursor    ; erase beg line
  jmp @end_escape_seq
  ; -- 2 -- whole line
  cmp #$02
  bne :+      ; par undefined 
  ldx $d6       ; line in X
  jsr erase_line_by_number      ; erase line
  sta $ce       ; del char ..
                ; ..under crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq        
; --- f --- same as H
  cmp #$66
  bne @not_f
  jmp @set_cursor_position      ; same as H

; --- H --- cursor position
  cmp #$48
  bne @not_H
  cpy #$01    ; no par means home
  bne :+
  ; -- home --
  ldx #$00
  ldy #$00
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq
  ; -- row, col --
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
  cmp #$3b    ; is ;?
  bne @end_set_cursor_position    ; no -> error
  ; -- prepare row --
  ldy escape_parameter    ; get row
  bne :+    ; 0 means 1
  dey         ; line 1 -> line 0
  cpy #$19    ; >= 25?..
  bcs @end_set_cursor_position    ; ..error!
  sty temp_ptr_x ; save row
  ; -- prepare col
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
  ldy escape_parameter    ; get col
  bne :+    ; 0 means 1
  dey         ; line 1 -> line 0        
  cpy #$28    ; >= 40?..
  bcs @end_set_cursor_position    ; ..error!        
  ldx temp_ptr_x ; restore row to X
  jsr cursor_plot   ; set crsr
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- J --- erase screen
  cmp #$4a      ;J?
  bne @not_J
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq    ; get parameter
  lda escape_parameter      ; in A
  ; -- 0 -- crsr to end
  bne @not_cursor_to_end
  jsr erase_to_end_of_line    ; del rest of line
  ldx $d6       ; get crsr line
  inx           ; next line
  cpx #$19      ; line 25?
  bcs @end_escape_seq     ; then end
  pha           ; save X
  jsr erase_line_by_number      ; erase line
  tax           ; restore X
  jmp @erase_next_line      ; next line
  ; -- 1 -- beg of screen to crsr
  cmp #$01
  bne @not_start_to_cursor
  jsr erase_line_to_cursor    ; del start of ln
  ldx $d6       ; get crsr line
  dex           ; previous line
  bmi @end_escape_seq     ; neg line -> end
  pha           ; save X
  jsr erase_line_by_number      ; erase line
  tax           ; restore X
  jmp :-
  ; -- 2 -- del screen
  cmp #$02      ; unknown?
  bne @end_escape_seq     ; then ingnore
  ldx #$18      ; start at ln 24        
  pha           ; save X
  jsr erase_line_by_number      ; erase line
  tax           ; restore X
  dex           ; previous line
  bpl :-
  jmp @end_escape_seq

; --- r ---  set scroll region                 
  cmp #$72    ; r?
  bne @not_r
  ; -- prepare top --
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
  cmp #$3b    ; is ;?
  bne @error_in_escape_seq   ; no -> error
  ldy escape_parameter    ; get top
  dey         ; line 1 -> line 0
  cpy #$19    ; >=25?..
  bcs @error_in_escape_seq   ; ..error!
  sty temp_ptr_x ; save top      
  ; -- prepare bottom --
  jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
  ldy escape_parameter    ; get bottom
  dey         ; line 1 -> line 0
  cpy #$19    ; >=25?..
  bcs @error_in_escape_seq   ; ..error! 
  sty temp_ptr_y ; save bottom       
  ; -- validate lines --
  lda temp_ptr_x ; restore top
  cmp temp_ptr_y ; >= bottom?..
  bcs @error_in_escape_seq   ; ..error!
  sta scroll_region_start     ; top -> SRStart
  sty scroll_region_end     ; bottom -> SREnd
  ; -- home crsr
  ldx #$00
  ldy #$00
  jsr cursor_plot
  jmp @end_escape_seq        

; --- unknown ---
  lda #$00
  sta escape_buffer_length   ; reset esc buffer
  sta escape_mode   ; reset esc mode

; -------------------------------------
; Test letter
; char in A
; returns carry = 1 for A = letter
; -------------------------------------
  cmp #$41    ; smaller then A?
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  rts         ; return no letter
  cmp #$5b    ; smaller then Z+1?
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  sec         ; return letter
  cmp #$61    ; smaller then a?
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  rts         ; return no letter
  cmp #$7b    ; smaller then z+1?        
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  sec         ; return letter
  clc         ; return no letter

; -------------------------------------
; test digit
; char in A
; returns carry = 1 for A = digit
; -------------------------------------

  cmp #$30    ; smaller then 0?
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  rts         ; return no digit
  cmp #$3a    ; smaller then 9+1?
  bcs :+     ; no -> go on
  sec         ; return digit
  clc         ; return no digit

; -------------------------------------
; get decimal number from esc sequence
; esc sequence in escape_buffer
; first index to process in X
; returns: number escape_parameter
;          first non digit char in  A
; -------------------------------------
  lda #$00    ; assume $00
  sta escape_parameter
  lda escape_buffer,x  ; get next char
  jsr test_if_digit   ; digit?
  bcc @done     ; no -> return
  sbc #$30    ; ascii to #
  pha         ; save digit
  ; old value * 10
  ; 10a = ( 4a + a ) * 2
  lda escape_parameter
  asl         ; ( 4a
  adc escape_parameter    ; + a )
  asl         ; *2 
  sta escape_parameter    ; = 10a
  ; add new digit
  pla         ; resore new digit
  adc escape_parameter
  sta escape_parameter
  jmp @next_digit     ; next char        

; *************************************
; *
; * outgoing data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; given a single char (read from keyboard)
; work out what data should be sent to the remote host.
; input:
; A = keypress
; output:
; Y=0 - no data to be sent (i.e. ignore keypress)
; Y=1 - A contains single byte to send
; Y=2 - AX points to null terminated string to send
; -------------------------------------

;Y=0 nothing to send
;Y=1 A = char to send
;Y=2 AX=pointer to asciiz string to send

  lda petscii_to_ascii,y   ; PETSCII to ASCII
  bne :+
  ldy #0  ; ignore key
  cmp #$ff
  beq output_string
  cmp #$fe
  beq command_key  ; command key
  ;default - send (possibly transformed) single char 
  ldy #1      ;means A contains single byte to send

; -------------------------------------
; create an ansi control sequence
; -------------------------------------

  tya         ; restore original key

; --- crsr U ---
  cmp #$91    ; test crsr U
  bne @not_U
  ldax  #ansi_cursor_up
  ldy   #2
; --- crsr L ---
  cmp #$9d    ; test crsr L
  bne @not_L
  ldax #ansi_cursor_left
  ldy #2
  cmp #$0d  ;test CR
  bne @not_CR
  ldax #crlf
  ldy #2

  ldy #0  ;must be some kind of error 

; -------------------------------------
; keypress was a command key
; -------------------------------------

        tya         ; restore character

; --- crsr R ---
; ---   ^]   ---
; both events send $1d
  cmp #$1d
  bne @not_crsr_R
  lda #$04    ; test control Key
  bit $028d
  beq @cursor_right   ; not pressed
  ; control ] is pressed
  tya         ; send ^]
  ldy #1

; crsr R 
  ldax #ansi_cursor_right
  ldy #2

; --- crsr D ---
; ---   ^Q   ---
; both events send char $11
  cmp #$11    ;^Q / crsr down
  bne @not_crsr_D
  lda #$04    ; test control Key
  bit $028d
  beq @cursor_down   ; not pressed
  ; control Q is pressed
  tya         ; send ^Q
  ldy #1
  ; crsr down is pressed        
  ldax #ansi_cursor_down
  ldy #2

; --- HOME key ---
; ---    ^S    ---
; both events send char $13
  cmp #$13    ;^S / HOME
  bne @not_home
  lda #$04    ; test control Key
  bit $028d
  beq @home  ; not pressed
  ; control S is pressed
  tya         ; send ^S
  ldy #1

  lda #$09 ; send TAB
  ldy #1

; --- DEL key ---
; ---    ^T    ---
; both events send char $14
  cmp #$14    ;^T / DEL
  bne @not_del 
  lda #$04    ; test control Key
  bit $028d
  beq @del   ; not pressed
  ; control T is pressed
  tya         ; send ^T
  ldy #1
  ; send DEL
  lda #$08
  ldy #1

; --- unknown C=-Key ---
      ldy #0 ;means don't send anything

; *************************************
; *
; * screen handling
; *
; *************************************

; --- these variables become updated ---
;     on crsr movement.
; $d1 $d2  start of screen line
; $d3      crsr column
; $d6      crsr row
; $f3 $f4  start of colour line
; $0286    colour

; --- these variables become updated ---
;     on crsr switching.
; $cc    crsr flag, 0 = on
; $cd    crsr blink counter
; $ce    char under crsr
; $cf    crsr blink phase, 0 normal
; $0287  colour under crsr

; -------------------------------------
; switch curser off and restore char.
; this has to be done before every crsr
; movement.
; After movement there has to be a jump
; to cursor_on.
; -------------------------------------
  pha         ; save registers

  ldy #$01    ; crsr of
  sty $cc        
  lda $cf     ; crsr revers?
  beq :+     ; no -> return
  dey         ; set normal phase
  sty $cf        
  ldy $d3     ; get column
  lda $ce     ; restore char
  sta ($d1),y
  lda $0287   ; restore colour
  sta ($f3),y

  pla         ; restore registers

; -------------------------------------
; opposite of cursor_off
; -------------------------------------

  ldy $d3     ; get column
  lda ($d1),y ; save chr
  sta $ce 
  eor #$80    ; reverse char
  sta ($d1),y        
  lda ($f3),y ; save colour
  sta $0287
  lda $0286   ; set crsr colour
  sta ($f3),y
  inc $cf     ; set reverse phase
  lda #$14    ; set crsr counter..
  sta $cd     ; ..to max
  lda #$00    ; cursor on
  sta $cc 

; -------------------------------------
; moves the crsr to column Y
; and line X
; the crsr ist turned off during 
; operation
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------
  jsr cursor_off
  stx $d6     ; set row
  sty $d3     ; set col
  jsr set_line_vectors
  ldx temp_ptr_x ; set screen line
  ldy temp_ptr_x+1
  stx $d1
  sty $d2
  ldx temp_ptr_y ; set color line
  ldy temp_ptr_y+1
  stx $f3
  sty $f4
  jsr cursor_on        

; -------------------------------------
; Print char in A to screen
; being aware of the crsr state
; -------------------------------------

  jsr cursor_off
  jsr plot_char
  jsr cursor_on

; -------------------------------------
; print char to screen
; char = $ff means no output
; chr in A
; X and Y unaffected
; -------------------------------------

  sta temp_ptr_x ; save char
  txa         ; save registers
  lda temp_ptr_x ; restore char

; PETSCII to ScreenCode (SC)
; --- $c0-$ff ---   - illegal -
  cmp #$c0
  bcc :+
  jmp end_plot_char   ; no output
; --- $a0-$bf ---   C=(latin-1) chars
  cmp #$a0
  bcc :+
  sbc #$40    ; SC = PET - $40
  jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $80-$9f ---   - illegal -
  cmp #$80
  bcc :+
  jmp end_plot_char   ; no output
; --- $60-$7f ---  kapital letters        
  cmp #$60
  bcc :+
  sbc #$20    ; SC = PET - $20
  jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $40-$5f ---  small letters
  cmp #$40
  bcc :+        
  sbc #$40    ; SC = PET - $40
  jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $20-$3f ---  interpunction
  cmp #$20
  bcc :+
  jmp @check_for_reverse   ; SC = PET
; --- $00-$1f ---  - illegal -
  jmp end_plot_char   ; no output

; --- handle reverse mode---
  ldx $c7     ; reverse mode?
  beq @put_char
  ora #$80    ; reverse char

; --- put char to screen ---
  ldy $d3     ; get crsr col
  cpy #$28    ;col = 40
  bcc @no_line_wrap
              ;the only way we end up trying to write to column 40 should
              ;be if we skipped the normal line wrap after writing to col 39
              ;because we are at the end of the scroll region
              ;that means we should do a scroll up and then write this char at col 0
  jsr scroll_up_scrollregion
  ldy #$00    ; begin of line
  sty $d3
  sta ($d1),y ; char to screen
  lda $0286   ; get colour
  sta ($f3),y ; set colour
; --- move on crsr ---
  ldx $d6     ; get crsr row
  cpx scroll_region_end     ; end of scroll reg?  
  beq @dont_scroll_yet     ; we don't want to trigger a scroll of the whole screen unless
                                    ; we are actually writing a char. we shouldn't scroll just when
                                    ; writing to the bottom right hand screen (else e.g. the title bar 
                                    ; in 'nano' gets pushed off the top of the screen.
  cpy #$27    ; col = 39?
  beq move_to_next_line   ; yes -> new line
  iny         ; move on
  sty $d3
  pla         ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; subtask of plot_char
; ends at end_plot_char
; -------------------------------------
  ldx $d6     ; get crsr row
  cpx scroll_region_end     ; end of scroll reg?
  beq @scroll_up     ; yes -> branche
  cpx #$18    ; line 24?
  beq end_plot_char   ; yes -> crsr stays
; --- normal wrap ---
  inx         ; increase line
  stx $d6
  ldy #$00    ; begin of line
  sty $d3
  jsr set_line_vectors
  ldx temp_ptr_x ; set screen line
  ldy temp_ptr_x+1
  stx $d1
  sty $d2
  ldx temp_ptr_y ; set colour line
  ldy temp_ptr_y+1
  stx $f3
  sty $f4        
  jmp end_plot_char
; --- scroll up ---        
  jsr scroll_up_scrollregion
  ldy #$00    ; begin of line
  sty $d3
  jmp end_plot_char

  ldx scroll_region_start     ; get first line
  ; -- new line: --
  ; -- temp_ptr_z and temp_ptr_w --
  jsr set_line_vectors
  lda temp_ptr_x ; screen line
  ldy temp_ptr_x+1
  sta temp_ptr_z
  sty temp_ptr_z+1
  lda temp_ptr_y ; colour line
  ldy temp_ptr_y+1
  sta temp_ptr_w
  sty temp_ptr_w+1
  ; -- old line: --
  ; -- temp_ptr_x and temp_ptr_y
  inx             ; old line
  jsr set_line_vectors
  ; -- copy chars and colours --
  ldy #$27        ; col 39
  lda (temp_ptr_x),y ; copy char
  sta (temp_ptr_z),y
  lda (temp_ptr_y),y ; copy colour
  sta (temp_ptr_w),y
  bpl @scroll_one_char
  cpx scroll_region_end         ; last line?
  bne @scroll_one_line         ; no -> go on
  jsr erase_line_by_vector       ; del last line

  ldx scroll_region_end     ; get last line
  jsr set_line_vectors
  lda temp_ptr_x ; screen line
  ldy temp_ptr_x+1
  sta temp_ptr_z
  sty temp_ptr_z+1
  lda temp_ptr_y ; colour line
  ldy temp_ptr_y+1
  sta temp_ptr_w
  sty temp_ptr_w+1
  ; -- old line: --
  ; -- temp_ptr_x and temp_ptr_y
  dex             ; old line
  jsr set_line_vectors
  ; -- copy chars ond colours --
  ldy #$27        ; col 39
  lda (temp_ptr_x),y ; copy char
  sta (temp_ptr_z),y
  lda (temp_ptr_y),y ; copy colour
  sta (temp_ptr_w),y
  bpl @scroll_one_char
  cpx scroll_region_start         ; first line?
  bne @scroll_one_line         ; no -> go on
  jsr erase_line_by_vector       ; del first line

; -------------------------------------
; print string to screen
; string: chars, terminated by $00
; start lo in x
; start hi in y
; affects A
; takes care of crsr
; the string must be smaller 
;   than 255 chrs
; -------------------------------------

  stx print_ptr   ; store start vector
  sty print_ptr+1
  jsr cursor_off        
  ldy #$00
  lda (print_ptr),y
  beq @end_string      ; $00 terminates string
  jsr plot_char        
  jmp @next_char

  jsr cursor_on

; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line 
; (Erase Line)
; line number in X
; erase_line_by_vector needs line vectors in temp_ptr_x 
;                         and temp_ptr_y
; destroys all registers
; returns $20 (space) in A
; -------------------------------------

  jsr set_line_vectors ; line start in temp_ptr_x
          ; col  start in temp_ptr_y

; erase chars
  ldy #$27      ; col 39
  lda #$20      ; load space
  sta (temp_ptr_x),y ; clear char
  bpl :-

; set colour
  ldy #$27      ; col 39
  lda #charmode_vanilla      ; load vanilla
  sta (temp_ptr_y),y ; clear char
  bpl :-

; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line from crsr to end
; (Erase End of Line)
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------

  jsr cursor_off
; erase chars
  ldy $d3       ; get crsr col
  lda #$20      ; load space
  sta ($d1),y   ; clear char
  cpy #$28      ; pos 40?
  bne :-      ; next char
  sta $ce       ; del char ..
                ; ..under crsr
; set colour
  ldy $d3       ; get crsr col
  lda #charmode_vanilla      ; load vanilla
  sta ($f3),y   ; set colour
  cpy #$28      ; pos 40?
  bne :-      ; next char        
  jsr cursor_on

; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line up to crsr
; (Erase Begin of Line)
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------
; erase chars
  ldy $d3       ; get crsr col
  lda #$20      ; load space
  sta ($d1),y   ; clear char
  bpl :-      ; pos>=0 -> next
  sta $ce       ; del char ..
                ; ..under crsr
; set colour                      
  ldy $d3       ; get crsr col
  lda #charmode_vanilla      ; load vanilla
  sta ($f3),y   ; clear char
  bpl :-        ; pos>=0 -> next        

; -------------------------------------
; set line vectors
; line no in X
; destroys A and Y
; sets start of screen line in temp_ptr_x
; sets start of colour line in temp_ptr_y
; -------------------------------------

  lda $ecf0,x   ; get lo byte
  sta temp_ptr_x
  sta temp_ptr_y
  ; determin hi byte
  ldy #$04      ; hi byte
  cpx #$07      ; line < 7?
  bcc @got_line_vector
  cpx #$0d      ; line < 13?
  bcc @got_line_vector
  cpx #$14      ; line < 20?
  bcc @got_line_vector
  iny           ; line 20-24
  sty temp_ptr_x+1
  clc           ; colour RAM =
  adc #$d4      ; video RAM + d4
  sta temp_ptr_y+1        

; -------------------------------------
; init routines
; -------------------------------------


 ;--- set background ---
  lda #text_background_colour
  sta $d021
; --- disable Shift C= ---
  lda #$80
  sta $0291        
; --- erase screen ---
  ldx #$18      ; start at ln 24        
  pha           ; save X
  jsr erase_line_by_number      ; erase line
  tax           ; restore X
  dex           ; previous line
  bpl @erase_one_line

  lda #charmode_vanilla     ; load vanilla
  sta $0286
; --- crsr on ---
  jsr cursor_off
  jsr cursor_on
; --- put crsr ---
  jsr do_cr
  jsr do_line_feed
  jsr do_line_feed

  lda #$00
  sta escape_mode
  sta escape_buffer_length
  sta scroll_region_start
  sta font_mode
  sta saved_font_mode
  sta saved_reverse_mode
  sta saved_row
  sta saved_column
  lda #$18    ; last line
  sta scroll_region_end     ; = 24

reverse_font_table = font_table + $0400
  ldx #ROM_FONT
  stx temp_ptr_z
  sty temp_ptr_z+1
  ldx #font_table
  stx temp_ptr_y
  sty temp_ptr_y+1
  ldx #reverse_font_table
  stx temp_ptr_x
  sty temp_ptr_x+1
; copy font        
  ldx #$04      ; copy 4 pages = 1KB
  ldy #$00      
  lda (temp_ptr_z),y
  sta (temp_ptr_y),y
  eor #$ff      ; reverse char
  sta (temp_ptr_x),y
  bne :-
  ; switch to next page
  inc temp_ptr_z+1
  inc temp_ptr_y+1
  inc temp_ptr_x+1
  bne :-
; enable font
  lda $d018
  and #$f1
  ora #$09
  sta $d018

font_attribute_table:    ; bits mean blink, underline, bold
.byte charmode_vanilla, charmode_bold                           ; 000 001
.byte charmode_underline, charmode_underline_bold               ; 010 011
.byte charmode_blink, charmode_blink_bold                       ; 100 101
.byte charmode_blink_underline, charmode_blink_underline_bold   ; 110 111

;ANSI 30   31 32 32   34 35 36 37 
;    blk   rd gr ye  blu mg cy wh
.byte  0, $0a, 5, 7, $0e, 4, 3, 1

ansi_cursor_up:     .byte esc, brace, $41, $00 ; esc [ A 
ansi_cursor_down:   .byte esc, brace, $42, $00 ; esc [ B
ansi_cursor_right:  .byte esc, brace, $43, $00 ; esc [ C 
ansi_cursor_left:   .byte esc, brace, $44, $00 ; esc [ D 
crlf:  .byte $0d,$0a,0

; -------------------------------------
; table ASCII  to PETSCII 
; these characters cat be printed
; pet=$00 means ignore the char
; pet=$01 means do something complicated
; -------------------------------------
  .byte $00   ; $00
  .byte $00   ; $01
  .byte $00   ; $02
  .byte $00   ; $03
  .byte $00   ; $04
  .byte $00   ; $05
  .byte $00   ; $06
  .byte $01   ; $07 BEL
  .byte $01   ; $08 BS/DEL
  .byte $01   ; $09 TAB
  .byte $01   ; $0a LF
  .byte $00   ; $0b
  .byte $00   ; $0c
  .byte $01   ; $0d CR
  .byte $00   ; $0e
  .byte $00   ; $0f
  .byte $00   ; $10
  .byte $00   ; $11
  .byte $00   ; $12
  .byte $00   ; $13 
  .byte $00   ; $14
  .byte $00   ; $15
  .byte $00   ; $16
  .byte $00   ; $17
  .byte $00   ; $18
  .byte $00   ; $19
  .byte $00   ; $1a
  .byte $01   ; $1b ESC
  .byte $00   ; $1c
  .byte $00   ; $1d
  .byte $00   ; $1e
  .byte $00   ; $1f
  .byte $20   ; $20  1:1
  .byte $21   ; $21  1:1
  .byte $22   ; $22  1:1
  .byte $23   ; $23  1:1
  .byte $24   ; $24  1:1
  .byte $25   ; $25  1:1
  .byte $26   ; $26  1:1
  .byte $27   ; $27  1:1
  .byte $28   ; $28  1:1
  .byte $29   ; $29  1:1
  .byte $2a   ; $2a  1:1
  .byte $2b   ; $2b  1:1
  .byte $2c   ; $2c  1:1
  .byte $2d   ; $2d  1:1
  .byte $2e   ; $2e  1:1
  .byte $2f   ; $2f  1:1
  .byte $30   ; $30  1:1
  .byte $31   ; $31  1:1
  .byte $32   ; $32  1:1
  .byte $33   ; $33  1:1
  .byte $34   ; $34  1:1
  .byte $35   ; $35  1:1
  .byte $36   ; $36  1:1
  .byte $37   ; $37  1:1
  .byte $38   ; $38  1:1
  .byte $39   ; $39  1:1
  .byte $3a   ; $3a  1:1
  .byte $3b   ; $3b  1:1
  .byte $3c   ; $3c  1:1
  .byte $3d   ; $3d  1:1
  .byte $3e   ; $3e  1:1
  .byte $3f   ; $3f  1:1
  .byte $40   ; $40  1:1
  .byte $61   ; $41 -----
  .byte $62   ; $42
  .byte $63   ; $43
  .byte $64   ; $44 capital
  .byte $65   ; $45
  .byte $66   ; $46
  .byte $67   ; $47
  .byte $68   ; $48
  .byte $69   ; $49
  .byte $6a   ; $4a
  .byte $6b   ; $4b
  .byte $6c   ; $4c
  .byte $6d   ; $4d letters
  .byte $6e   ; $4e
  .byte $6f   ; $4f
  .byte $70   ; $50
  .byte $71   ; $51
  .byte $72   ; $52
  .byte $73   ; $53
  .byte $74   ; $54
  .byte $75   ; $55
  .byte $76   ; $56
  .byte $77   ; $57
  .byte $78   ; $58
  .byte $79   ; $59
  .byte $7a   ; $5a -----
  .byte $5b   ; $5b  1:1
  .byte $5c   ; $5c  1:1
  .byte $5d   ; $5d  1:1
  .byte $5e   ; $5e  1:1
  .byte $5f   ; $5f  1:1
  .byte $60   ; $60  1:1
  .byte $41   ; $61 -----
  .byte $42   ; $62
  .byte $43   ; $63
  .byte $44   ; $64 small
  .byte $45   ; $65
  .byte $46   ; $66
  .byte $47   ; $67
  .byte $48   ; $68
  .byte $49   ; $69
  .byte $4a   ; $6a
  .byte $4b   ; $6b letters
  .byte $4c   ; $6c
  .byte $4d   ; $6d
  .byte $4e   ; $6e
  .byte $4f   ; $6f
  .byte $50   ; $70
  .byte $51   ; $71
  .byte $52   ; $72
  .byte $53   ; $73
  .byte $54   ; $74
  .byte $55   ; $75
  .byte $56   ; $76
  .byte $57   ; $77
  .byte $58   ; $78
  .byte $59   ; $79
  .byte $5a   ; $7a -----
  .byte $7b   ; $7b  1:1 {
  .byte $7c   ; $7c  1:1 |
  .byte $7d   ; $7d  1:1 }
  .byte $7e   ; $7e  1:1 ~
  .byte $00   ; $7f
  .byte $00   ; $80
  .byte $00   ; $81
  .byte $00   ; $82
  .byte $00   ; $83
  .byte $00   ; $84
  .byte $00   ; $85
  .byte $00   ; $86
  .byte $00   ; $87
  .byte $00   ; $88
  .byte $00   ; $89
  .byte $00   ; $8a
  .byte $00   ; $8b
  .byte $00   ; $8c
  .byte $00   ; $8d
  .byte $00   ; $8e
  .byte $00   ; $8f
  .byte $00   ; $90
  .byte $00   ; $91
  .byte $00   ; $92
  .byte $00   ; $93
  .byte $00   ; $94
  .byte $00   ; $95
  .byte $00   ; $96
  .byte $00   ; $97
  .byte $00   ; $98
  .byte $00   ; $99
  .byte $00   ; $9a
  .byte $00   ; $9b
  .byte $00   ; $9c
  .byte $00   ; $9d
  .byte $00   ; $9e
  .byte $00   ; $9f
  .byte $20   ; $a0
  .byte $7f   ; $a1
  .byte $7f   ; $a2
  .byte $bf   ; $a3
  .byte $be   ; $a4
  .byte $7f   ; $a5
  .byte $73   ; $a6
  .byte $b5   ; $a7
  .byte $53   ; $a8
  .byte $bb   ; $a9
  .byte $7f   ; $aa
  .byte $bc   ; $ab
  .byte $7f   ; $ac
  .byte $2d   ; $ad
  .byte $7f   ; $ae
  .byte $7f   ; $af
  .byte $ba   ; $b0
  .byte $b8   ; $b1
  .byte $b6   ; $b2
  .byte $b7   ; $b3
  .byte $7a   ; $b4
  .byte $b9   ; $b5
  .byte $7f   ; $b6
  .byte $7f   ; $b7
  .byte $5a   ; $b8
  .byte $7f   ; $b9
  .byte $7f   ; $ba
  .byte $bd   ; $bb
  .byte $b0   ; $bc
  .byte $b0   ; $bd
  .byte $79   ; $be
  .byte $7f   ; $bf
  .byte $a5   ; $c0
  .byte $61   ; $c1
  .byte $a4   ; $c2
  .byte $61   ; $c3
  .byte $a3   ; $c4
  .byte $a4   ; $c5
  .byte $7f   ; $c6
  .byte $63   ; $c7
  .byte $ad   ; $c8
  .byte $ab   ; $c9
  .byte $ac   ; $ca
  .byte $65   ; $cb
  .byte $69   ; $cc
  .byte $69   ; $cd
  .byte $69   ; $ce
  .byte $69   ; $cf
  .byte $64   ; $d0
  .byte $6e   ; $d1
  .byte $6f   ; $d2
  .byte $6f   ; $d3
  .byte $b1   ; $d4
  .byte $6f   ; $d5
  .byte $af   ; $d6
  .byte $7f   ; $d7
  .byte $6f   ; $d8
  .byte $75   ; $d9
  .byte $75   ; $da
  .byte $75   ; $db
  .byte $b3   ; $dc
  .byte $79   ; $dd
  .byte $7f   ; $de
  .byte $b4   ; $df
  .byte $a2   ; $e0
  .byte $41   ; $e1
  .byte $a1   ; $e2
  .byte $41   ; $e3
  .byte $a0   ; $e4
  .byte $a1   ; $e5
  .byte $7f   ; $e6
  .byte $a6   ; $e7
  .byte $aa   ; $e8
  .byte $a8   ; $e9
  .byte $a9   ; $ea
  .byte $a7   ; $eb
  .byte $49   ; $ec
  .byte $49   ; $ed
  .byte $49   ; $ee
  .byte $49   ; $ef
  .byte $7f   ; $f0
  .byte $4e   ; $f1
  .byte $4f   ; $f2
  .byte $4f   ; $f3
  .byte $b1   ; $f4
  .byte $4f   ; $f5
  .byte $ae   ; $f6
  .byte $7f   ; $f7
  .byte $4f   ; $f8
  .byte $55   ; $f9
  .byte $55   ; $fa
  .byte $55   ; $fb
  .byte $b2   ; $fc
  .byte $59   ; $fd
  .byte $7f   ; $fe
  .byte $59   ; $ff

; -------------------------------------
; table PETSCII  to ASCII 
; these characters can be typed with 
; the keyboard
; ascii = $00 means ignore key
; ascii = $ff menas send string
; ascii = $fe means do something 
;             complicated (command key)
; -------------------------------------
  .byte $00   ; $00
  .byte $01   ; $01
  .byte $02   ; $02
  .byte $03   ; $03
  .byte $04   ; $04
  .byte $05   ; $05
  .byte $06   ; $06
  .byte $07   ; $07
  .byte $08   ; $08 DEL
  .byte $09   ; $09 TAB
  .byte $0a   ; $0a
  .byte $0b   ; $0b
  .byte $0c   ; $0c
  .byte $ff   ; $0d CR
  .byte $0e   ; $0e
  .byte $0f   ; $0f
  .byte $10   ; $10
  .byte $fe   ; $11 ^Q (crsr down)
  .byte $12   ; $12
  .byte $fe   ; $13 ^S TAB (HOME)
  .byte $fe   ; $14 ^T BS  (DEL)
  .byte $15   ; $15
  .byte $16   ; $16
  .byte $17   ; $17
  .byte $18   ; $18
  .byte $19   ; $19
  .byte $1a   ; $1a
  .byte $1b   ; $1b ESC
  .byte $1c   ; $1c
  .byte $fe   ; $1d ^](crsr right)
  .byte $1e   ; $1e
  .byte $1f   ; $1f
  .byte $20   ; $20 SPACE
  .byte $21   ; $21 !
  .byte $22   ; $22 "
  .byte $23   ; $23 #
  .byte $24   ; $24 $
  .byte $25   ; $25 %
  .byte $26   ; $26 &
  .byte $27   ; $27 '
  .byte $28   ; $28 (
  .byte $29   ; $29 )
  .byte $2a   ; $2a *
  .byte $2b   ; $2b +
  .byte $2c   ; $2c ,
  .byte $2d   ; $2d -
  .byte $2e   ; $2e .
  .byte $2f   ; $2f /
  .byte $30   ; $30 0
  .byte $31   ; $31 1
  .byte $32   ; $32 2
  .byte $33   ; $33 3
  .byte $34   ; $34 4
  .byte $35   ; $35 5
  .byte $36   ; $36 6
  .byte $37   ; $37 7
  .byte $38   ; $38 8
  .byte $39   ; $39 9
  .byte $3a   ; $3a :
  .byte $3b   ; $3b ;
  .byte $3c   ; $3c <
  .byte $3d   ; $3d =
  .byte $3e   ; $3e >
  .byte $3f   ; $3f ?
  .byte $40   ; $40 @
  .byte $61   ; $41 a
  .byte $62   ; $42 b
  .byte $63   ; $43 c
  .byte $64   ; $44 d
  .byte $65   ; $45 e
  .byte $66   ; $46 f
  .byte $67   ; $47 g
  .byte $68   ; $48 h
  .byte $69   ; $49 i
  .byte $6a   ; $4a j
  .byte $6b   ; $4b k
  .byte $6c   ; $4c l
  .byte $6d   ; $4d m
  .byte $6e   ; $4e n
  .byte $6f   ; $4f o
  .byte $70   ; $50 p
  .byte $71   ; $51 q
  .byte $72   ; $52 r
  .byte $73   ; $53 s
  .byte $74   ; $54 t
  .byte $75   ; $55 u
  .byte $76   ; $56 v
  .byte $77   ; $57 w
  .byte $78   ; $58 x
  .byte $79   ; $59 y
  .byte $7a   ; $5a z
  .byte $5b   ; $5b [
  .byte $5c   ; $5c \ (Pound)
  .byte $5d   ; $5d ]
  .byte $5e   ; $5e ^
  .byte $1b   ; $5f ESC ( <- )
  .byte $00   ; $60 
  .byte $41   ; $61 A
  .byte $42   ; $62 B
  .byte $43   ; $63 C
  .byte $44   ; $64 D
  .byte $45   ; $65 E
  .byte $46   ; $66 F
  .byte $47   ; $67 G
  .byte $48   ; $68 H
  .byte $49   ; $69 I
  .byte $4a   ; $6a J
  .byte $4b   ; $6b K
  .byte $4c   ; $6c L
  .byte $4d   ; $6d M
  .byte $4e   ; $6e N
  .byte $4f   ; $6f O
  .byte $50   ; $70 P
  .byte $51   ; $71 Q
  .byte $52   ; $72 R
  .byte $53   ; $73 S
  .byte $54   ; $74 T
  .byte $55   ; $75 U
  .byte $56   ; $76 V
  .byte $57   ; $77 W
  .byte $58   ; $78 X
  .byte $59   ; $79 Y
  .byte $5a   ; $7a Z
  .byte $00   ; $7b
  .byte $00   ; $7c
  .byte $00   ; $7d
  .byte $00   ; $7e
  .byte $00   ; $7f
  .byte $00   ; $80
  .byte $00   ; $81
  .byte $00   ; $82
  .byte $00   ; $83
  .byte $00   ; $84
  .byte $00   ; $85 (f1)
  .byte $00   ; $86 (f3)
  .byte $00   ; $87 (f5)
  .byte $00   ; $88 (f7)
  .byte $00   ; $89 (f2)
  .byte $00   ; $8a (f4)
  .byte $00   ; $8b (f6)
  .byte $00   ; $8c (f8)
  .byte $00   ; $8d (Shift RET)
  .byte $00   ; $8e
  .byte $00   ; $8f
  .byte $00   ; $90
  .byte $ff   ; $91 (crsr up)
  .byte $00   ; $92
  .byte $00   ; $93 (Shift Clr/Home)
  .byte $7f   ; $94 DEL (Shift Ins/Del)
  .byte $00   ; $95
  .byte $00   ; $96
  .byte $00   ; $97
  .byte $00   ; $98
  .byte $00   ; $99
  .byte $00   ; $9a
  .byte $00   ; $9b
  .byte $00   ; $9c
  .byte $ff   ; $9d (crsr left)
  .byte $00   ; $9e
  .byte $00   ; $9f
  .byte $00   ; $a0 (Shift Space)
  .byte $00   ; $a1
  .byte $00   ; $a2
  .byte $00   ; $a3
  .byte $00   ; $a4
  .byte $00   ; $a5
  .byte $00   ; $a6
  .byte $00   ; $a7
  .byte $00   ; $a8
  .byte $7c   ; $a9 | (Shift Pound)
  .byte $00   ; $aa
  .byte $00   ; $ab
  .byte $fe   ; $ac  C= D
  .byte $00   ; $ad
  .byte $fe   ; $ae  C= S
  .byte $00   ; $af
  .byte $fe   ; $b0  C= A
  .byte $00   ; $b1
  .byte $fe   ; $b2  C= R
  .byte $00   ; $b3
  .byte $00   ; $b4
  .byte $00   ; $b5
  .byte $fe   ; $b6  C= L
  .byte $00   ; $b7
  .byte $00   ; $b8
  .byte $00   ; $b9
  .byte $60   ; $ba ` ( Shift @ )
  .byte $00   ; $bb
  .byte $fe   ; $bc  C= C
  .byte $00   ; $bd
  .byte $00   ; $be
  .byte $fe   ; $bf  C= B
  .byte $5f   ; $c0 _ ( Shift * )
  .byte $41   ; $c1 -----
  .byte $42   ; $c2
  .byte $43   ; $c3 capital
  .byte $44   ; $c4
  .byte $45   ; $c5 letters
  .byte $46   ; $c6
  .byte $47   ; $c7 generate
  .byte $48   ; $c8 
  .byte $49   ; $c9 these 
  .byte $4a   ; $ca
  .byte $4b   ; $cb codes
  .byte $4c   ; $cc
  .byte $4d   ; $cd
  .byte $4e   ; $ce
  .byte $4f   ; $cf
  .byte $50   ; $d0
  .byte $51   ; $d1
  .byte $52   ; $d2
  .byte $53   ; $d3
  .byte $54   ; $d4
  .byte $55   ; $d5
  .byte $56   ; $d6
  .byte $57   ; $d7
  .byte $58   ; $d8
  .byte $59   ; $d9
  .byte $5a   ; $da -----
  .byte $7b   ; $db { ( Shift + )
  .byte $00   ; $dc   ( C= -   )
  .byte $7d   ; $dd } ( Shift - )
  .byte $7e   ; $de ~ ( Pi )
  .byte $00   ; $df
  .byte $00   ; $e0
  .byte $00   ; $e1
  .byte $00   ; $e2
  .byte $00   ; $e3
  .byte $00   ; $e4
  .byte $00   ; $e5
  .byte $00   ; $e6
  .byte $00   ; $e7
  .byte $00   ; $e8
  .byte $00   ; $e9
  .byte $00   ; $ea 
  .byte $00   ; $eb
  .byte $00   ; $ec
  .byte $00   ; $ed
  .byte $00   ; $ee
  .byte $00   ; $ef
  .byte $00   ; $f0
  .byte $00   ; $f1
  .byte $00   ; $f2
  .byte $00   ; $f3
  .byte $00   ; $f4
  .byte $00   ; $f5
  .byte $00   ; $f6
  .byte $00   ; $f7
  .byte $00   ; $f8
  .byte $00   ; $f9
  .byte $00   ; $fa
  .byte $00   ; $fb
  .byte $00   ; $fc
  .byte $00   ; $fd
  .byte $00   ; $fe
  .byte $00   ; $ff

.incbin "../inc/vt100_font.bin"

;-- LICENSE FOR c64_vt100.s --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lars Stollenwerk.
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
; Lars Stollenwerk. All Rights Reserved.  
;Contributor(s): Jonno Downes